Content Marketing Services for Manufacturing Companies

Content Marketing Services

Content Marketing Services for Manufacturing Companies – You have a one-of-a-kind marketing opportunity as a manufacturer. You may have gotten to where you are now by word-of-mouth referrals, tradeshows, and cold calls, but digital marketing is the way of the future. Customers nowadays utilize search engines to compare products. They’re looking at client reviews on the internet to see how happy they are. They’re doing it all from the comfort of their smartphone. Manufacturing businesses will be able to contact prospects significantly earlier than they have in the past.

“B2B consumers reported being nearly 60% through the sales process before encountering a sales agent, regardless of the price range,” according to a Google survey. More precisely, 57 percent of the sales process simply vanished.” – B2B Marketing’s Digital Evolution.

Linquip’s digital marketing and web development services are exclusively made for the manufacturing industry and are meant to advance together with your customers. We have a rigorous, results-driven approach in place to help you attract, engage, and convert prospects, much like you have a step-by-step procedure for generating painstakingly designed items.

Key Steps in Content Marketing Services for Manufacturing Companies

Content marketing services for manufacturing companies are a big challenge: just around one-quarter of manufacturing companies say they have a written content strategy. We tend to believe that if a sector isn’t showy or glamorous enough, it isn’t worth promoting. Many people believe “boring” products and services to be abundant in the manufacturing industry. As a result, developing compelling content is a regular challenge for industry marketers.

Content Marketing Services
Content Marketing Services for Manufacturing Companies

However, by properly personalizing your content, you may open up with a world of possibilities for your manufacturing company, from brand exposure to lead generation and acquiring the confidence of your target audience. So, how do you get started? We’ve outlined important considerations and the finest sorts of content to achieve results for industrial businesses. Let’s get this party started.

What characterizes content marketing services for manufacturing companies and industrial firms?

Although content marketing is a universal marketing strategy, not everyone will benefit from it. Manufacturing companies have a difficult time coming up with relevant content ideas. In fact, 68% of manufacturers say they have trouble creating content for multi-level positions. The following are the criteria that distinguish industrial marketers from other industries when it comes to content marketing services:

  • Complex Products: Manufacturing enterprises often sell more sophisticated items that require in-depth knowledge to comprehend and utilize.
  • Market Information: Finding information about manufacturing market niches may be complex and time-consuming, and it often necessitates prior industry expertise.
  • They’re In A “Boring” Industry: Many marketers in industrial areas consider their market too dull, and as a result, they struggle to come up with interesting content ideas.
  • Longer Buying Cycles: The procurement cycle for manufacturing businesses is lengthier since they are trying to reach corporate decision-makers.
  • Audiences Expect Expertise: Manufacturing markets’ audiences aren’t looking to be marketed to. Before people can trust a manufacturing brand, they want efficiency and skill.
  • Specialized Niches: Many manufacturers sell goods that are extremely specialized and only usable in a few specific scenarios.

Essential Things to Consider About Content Marketing Services for Manufacturing Companies

While content marketing services for manufacturing companies come with their own set of obstacles, with the correct mentality and plan, they may be conquered. Before you commence your content marketing strategy, keep the following points in mind:

Understand the Buying Process

There are three stages to the purchasing cycle for manufacturing and industrial companies:

  • Awareness – The prospect has a problem or a need that has to be addressed.
  • Consideration – The prospect starts looking for answers to their difficulty.
  • Decision – The prospect presses the button and chooses the best option.

As a manufacturer, your priority should be to determine your consumers’ pain spots and the solutions you can provide to alleviate them. This entails conducting extensive research on your customer: What are their names? What issues are they attempting to address? What terms are they employing in their hunt for answers to their difficulties, and where are they looking for them?

You’ll need to align your content marketing efforts after you’ve worked this out. You will acquire the trust of your potential clients and persuade them to select you over your competitors if you do so.

Emotion Matters

Emotions play an important part in persuading people to make purchases. Storytelling is the most effective approach to selling with emotion. “A good tale makes you feel something and is universal,” says Mark Truby, Vice President of Communications at Ford Motor Company. They want to be motivated and captivated by your ideals and dedication to greatness. The most effective approach to communicate these principles is via storytelling.”

Content Marketing Services
How Content Marketing Services Can Develop Your Business

Cisco is a technological business that provides its customers with networking and telecommunications equipment. They’ve previously utilized storytelling to humanize their latest technologies. Sea Change, the narrative of a racing yacht that acquires a competitive advantage because of Cisco’s powered technology, is one of their most captivating stories. The article mixes attractive imagery with compelling narration to emphasize the brand’s goods’ effect.

Teach, Don’t Sell

When it comes to manufacturing content marketing services, an informed consumer is the greatest sort of customer. Manufacturing businesses’ customers are searching for experience and knowledge. When a potential customer knows what you have to offer and how your company can help them solve their problems, they’re one step closer to completing a purchase. Many industrial companies are hesitant to give out their knowledge for free. After all, why should you give up all of your information if you want your consumers to trust you?

Despite these worries, this is a long-term plan that will save you a lot of time and work. Educational material gives your audience the skills they need to overcome obstacles, resulting in increased trust and connection between you and your customers.

Schneider Electric, for example, provides clients who want to increase their energy efficiency online training. Their online training comes with career-relevant credentials and is available in tirteen languages. They may appear to be giving their information away for free, but they gain from this strategy! It enables them to present themselves as industry experts and get confidence from their prospects.

Choosing The Right Content

When it comes to content marketing services for manufacturers, an efficient plan is selecting the appropriate sort of material for your target market. Here is a list of the greatest material manufacturing company examples to employ in your campaign:


Blogging is the foundation of any successful content marketing campaign. According to studies:

  • Companies that blog have a 434 percent better chance of ranking well in search engines.
  • Blogs create 67 percent more leads for B2B marketers than those who don’t.
  • Brands that blog get 97% more links to their website than those that don’t.

Customers want to know that your organization is experienced and knowledgeable. Before they do business with you, they want to know that you are a reliable source. Blogging positions your organization as an industry thought leader while also developing your engagement with your audience. Here are a few pointers on how manufacturers may make the most of blogging:

  • Compile a list of frequently asked questions from your sales team. Speak with your sales staff and inquire about the most frequently asked questions by your clients to generate ideas for your manufacturing blog. These questions can be used to generate ideas for future blog posts.
  • Increase the variety of your blog’s material. Share case studies, announce accolades you’ve received, and announce company changes to diversify your blog material. Interviews, industry trends, and infographics are examples of other types of content.
  • Other industrial blogs might serve as a source of inspiration. Follow popular industry blogs and pay attention to how they blog, how often they post, and what they write about. Industrial Marketing Today, for example, has turned into a treasure mine for firms trying to improve their marketing efforts.
  • The secret to blogging success is to be constant in your efforts. Manufacturing and industrial companies should attempt to update their company blog at least once every two weeks.

With their blog, GE Reports, manufacturing corporation General Electric is a fantastic example of a brand that efficiently harnesses blogging. Their blog offers information about their most recent developments, industry trends, and interesting science news.

Case Studies

A case study is one of the most effective ways to raise brand awareness. Case studies demonstrate your trustworthiness to customers by utilizing the finest available source—previous clients. The following are some of the advantages of including case studies in your content marketing strategy:

  • Peer-to-peer influence: Because webinars, blog pieces, and white papers originate straight from your marketing staff, customers may be dubious. Case studies, on the other hand, come directly from your clients’ mouths, making them simpler to believe.
  • Original content: Case studies are unique kinds of content since they highlight unique consumer experiences. Unlike content created by your rivals, you may utilize them in intriguing and creative tales.
  • Finding brand evangelists: Creating case studies entails approaching numerous of your previous clients and enlisting their help. You’ll be able to identify clients who are willing to recommend your brand or service to others using this method.

Stats In Content Marketing Services for Manufacturing Companies Today

Manufacturers have adjusted some of their marketing methods and redirected their trade show budgets towards online content production and the digital world as a result of the challenges of 2021 like Covid-19. According to a recent study from the Content Marketing Institute, 70% of manufacturers polled have modified their targeting/messaging approach, 60% have updated their editorial schedule, and 57% have increased their investment in social media/online communities.

The areas of content marketing manufacturing marketers will spend in next year are content production and website enhancement. It’s no surprise that manufacturers’ content marketing initiatives are yielding great effects. According to the research, 30% of manufacturing respondents say their company has been extremely/very successful, while another 61 percent say their company has been moderately successful.

Create Marketing Content That Helps Buyers Do Their Jobs

“In our B2B ecosystem, sharing our experience is one of the underlying themes, as well as duties,” stated Jason Kline, Director of Marketing at Consolidated Electronic Wire & Cable. He emphasized that consolidated marketing strategy isn’t only about branding, but also about interacting with current and potential customers through a variety of relevant content tactics. He is relieved to have such a strong ally in this attempt. The Linquip industrial experts assist you in developing useful information that will help people through the procurement process in our business. We have guidance to assist you to make smart judgments, whether you’re a first-year procurement manager or a twenty-five-year engineer, and that helps us build our organization.

Although content marketing services for manufacturing companies will continue to be a key part of a B2B digital marketing strategy, many marketers struggle to hold their audiences’ interest. Being familiar with the notion of funnels is one method to fight that difficulty. Traditional sales funnels, acquisition funnels, and funnel cakes are all options.

While the funnel for inbound marketing can vary depending on things like price, your competitive environment, and your company strategy, it can typically be divided into three phases: education, assessment, and conversion.

These steps correspond to how today’s purchasers make purchasing decisions: first, they educate themselves about their problems or opportunities (education); next, they begin evaluating numerous possibilities (evaluation); and ultimately, they pick a company with whom to do business (choice) (conversion). When consumers have completed their purchases and it is time for you to keep them satisfied, the fourth stage (delight) happens.

A thorough, effective inbound marketing campaign must contain content that fulfills the requirements of consumers at all three levels of the funnel: helping top-of-the-funnel buyers move to the middle, middle-of-the-funnel buyers shift to the bottom, and bottom-of-the-funnel prospects become customers. With that in mind, here are some content marketing ideas for connecting with potential customers at different phases of the sales funnel.

What to Expect from Linquip Platform?

We created a specific digital marketing strategy for you based on the aims and challenges of your manufacturing company.

Content Marketing Services
Content Marketing Services & Solutions for Manufacturing Companies Provided by Linquip

The strategy is then carried out every month. Here’s how we’re going to get started at Linquip:

  • Discovery Process: We’ll spend some time getting to know one another. Phone conversations, in-person meetings, interviews, and even a lunch or two are all part of the process.
  • Strategy & Planning: We’ll use all we’ve learned about your business, as well as in-depth research and marketing knowledge, to build a complete strategy.
  • Get to Work: This is where the good times begin. Now that we’ve planned the task, it’s time to put the plan into action!

How is the Program Structured?

On a monthly retainer basis, we run our digital marketing program at Linquip. Following the initial research and planning process, we create a specific digital marketing plan to help you achieve your business objectives, which we then put into action. Every program is tailored to the firm, its competitors, and its industry. The first strategic plan we present lays out the methods that will be used over the next 12 months.

We meet with you every week to verify that all initiatives are on schedule. We also have monthly meetings when we deliver information on the progress of your program (focused on traffic and lead improvement). We also go through the following month’s strategy, which is broken down into a monthly calendar of techniques, at our monthly meeting.

Working with Your Sales Team

If you’re a B2B manufacturer, you already know that generating leads is only half the game. The other half is tasked with closing leads with the sales staff. Many manufacturers employ their own sales force. Others market their products through sales reps, distributors, or dealer teams. Some companies utilize a combination of in-house sales and outside distributors/rep/dealer teams. To guarantee that the organization gets the most value out of each lead, we’ve discovered that each sales model has its own specific lead flow and management system.

Content Marketing Services
Best Manufacturing Companies Ranked by Linquip

We’ve studied and optimized the marketing-to-sales handoff, qualification, and follow-up process for a number of industrial companies. We’ve helped manufacturers boost KPIs like the lead-to-quote ratio by more than 40% on some occasions!

 Do You Report on Results?

“What you can’t measure, you can’t improve,” Linquip strongly believes. As a result, we measure and offer detailed results every month. These reports will outline our progress toward your objectives and include information such as:

  • Content Downloads
  • Website Traffic
  • Form Submissions
  • Leads Qualified
  • Leads Created
  • Leads Quoted
  • Phone Calls to Your Sales Number
  • Leads Closed

We’ve seen manufacturers significantly enhance their marketing budget ROI by developing a quantifiable system that flows from marketing to sales.

Content Marketing Services for Manufacturing Companies on a Small Budget

It takes time and money to create interesting content. It will eat into your budget if you engage a freelancer to write your content.

Content Marketing Services
Connect with Linquip to Develop Your Company

It cuts into your time if you manage it yourself or delegate it to another employee. Quality material, however, is essential for successful content marketing services.

What can you do to improve?

  • Make use of the content you already have. You don’t have to come up with new material every time you want to share anything on social media or start a campaign. It’s far preferable to have a limited portfolio of high-quality content than a large portfolio of generic, “heard it all before” rubbish.
  • Prioritize the quality of your work above the quantity. Concentrate on producing high-quality items that you can reuse and expand on in the future. Content that is both informative and well-written may be delivered repeatedly through your marketing platforms. However, this only works if you prioritize content quality above quantity.
  • Concentrate your efforts. How can you determine what kind of material your audience is looking for? You must be aware of your target audience. Take some time before releasing fresh material to have a better picture of who your ideal prospect is. You’ll be in a lot better position to provide the type of high-quality material they’re seeking once you know who they are.

If you focus on marketing smarter rather than simply marketing more, you may accomplish a lot with a small budget. Measuring your performance is an important element of marketing intelligently. However, measuring might be difficult.

Simple ways to create engaging content

We’ve all had writer’s block at some point. It’s the same with content generation. However, we’ve discovered a few easy strategies to consistently develop fresh material.

  • Build on what’s already there. Examine your blog entries and other materials. Are there any sections that might be developed into separate posts? Are you able to offer updates to previous posts?
  • Provide an answer to a question. Pay attention to your consumers. What are they inquiring about? It’s probably worth writing about if they repeatedly ask the same question. The questions your consumers ask to reveal the topics that are most important to them. Those are the topics on which you should focus your essay.
  • Make a name for yourself. What distinguishes you from the competition? Use blog postings to highlight your distinct features.
  • Talk about yourself. Create material that puts your prospects “behind the scenes” of your business. Why tell them what you do when you can demonstrate it? Show them around your production facility.

Creating Content that Works

Quality of content marketing is critical for digital success, but putting together the ideal approach may put many businesses in over their heads. Having problems writing content that will resonate with your audience? We can assist you. Linquip specializes in assisting B2B companies in developing content that generates leads and produces outcomes. Contact Linquip to chat with one of our industrial marketing professionals immediately.

Examples of Content Marketing Services for Manufacturing Companies That Drive Revenue

You have limitless alternatives and possibilities to get in front of customers at every point of their decision-making process, from authoring your product pages to developing multimedia content to target your leads. Providing relevant material on your manufacturing website allows you to reach purchase decision-makers on their terms, create trust, and eventually outperform your competitors.

Industrial Blogs, Resources & Guides

At the top of the sales funnel, blog material and associated resources are ideal for building brand recognition and attracting new website visitors who may be nurtured into leads.

Manufacturing eBooks & White Papers

The center and bottom of the funnel are occupied by eBooks and white papers. This sort of material is normally password-protected and is best used to collect lead information via form submissions.

Writing For Manufacturing Website Pages

The pages of your website are where you show off your products, services, and sectors that you serve. More buyers are attracted to unique, valuable content, and your business remains top of mind.

Video Production & Promotion Services

Video tours of your facilities are a terrific method to give buyers a behind-the-scenes peek at your setup and demonstrate why your firm is the best choice for their next project.


Linquip can help you with your industrial content marketing so you can concentrate on what you do best. Thousands of industrial organizations have collaborated with us to establish a digital marketing plan that provides amazing content and, more importantly, generates new business prospects. Request a free digital health check from us to understand how we can help you accomplish the same. We’ll analyze your website and tell you precisely what you need online to enhance your interaction with B2B buyers, procurement managers, and engineers.

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